Inspector SpaceTime Wiki
Vital statistics
Planet of Origin: Kayaclasch
Species Infinity Knight
Gender: Male
Appears In: The Three Inspectors, Mawdrone Alive, Genesis, The Dark Ages
Portrayed By: Anthony Jackson
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Alpha was an Infinity Knight who was a contemporary of Sassafrass. He was played by English actor Anthony Jackson.

Alpha and Sassafrass were once great friends and regarded as the cleverest of the Kayaclascheans. Together, they composed the rules of the future Infinity Knight society and invented its spacetime machines. Eventually, however, they fell out over whether time travel should be used to preemptively prevent temporal crime and disorder or only to patrol and protect the universal timeline. Alpha argued against breaking causality and wanted to use time travel judiciously, without disturbing the chain of events. Sassafrass wanted to actively police the whole spacetime continuum. Finally, Sassafrass trapped Alpha in a dark matter universe in order to rule unopposed. Alpha was remembered only as a legend, his role in the creation of Infinity Knight society largely forgotten.

In "The Three Inspectors", the Third Inspector finds a way to travel to the dark matter universe and meets Alpha, who had gone completely crazy after centuries of isolation. Alpha's underlings included a platoon of beligerent plum pudding–like creatures. After a long battle and the creation of a Dark Matter Inspector, Alpha was forever trapped in his universe as the Inspector locked the only gateway between the universes.


Alpha from his later appearances.

He was later visited by the Orange Warden who allowed him to come back to the main universe in exchange for killing the Inspector. Alpha tried on three separate occasions, but the Fifth Inspector managed to discover his plans and arrested him.
